Friday, 1 April 2016

First Studio Photoshoot 1/4

I had my first session in the 6B05 studio today. It didn't start off too well because I found out that the little device that you attach to your camera to make the studio lights flash can't attach to Sony cameras (which my camera is). I found Jane and asked her about it and she said I would have to use my camera's built-in flash and set the studio lights up to react when they saw a flash. This unfortunately meant that my camera was adding light to every image. I used a wee bit of white fabric I found in the studio to try and diffuse this light just enough that it didn't really show up in the images but it still produced enough of a flash to set off the studio lights. This technique was not that great as the studio lights often went off a wee bit after the camera and so I would get a dark image. Next time I might have to get out a Nikon or Canon from uni in order to be able to use the studio lights properly.

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